Monthly Archives: October 2020

October 26th, 2020

On this episode, news about: the first MPL/Rivals League Weekend is in the books, find out what decks came out on top! Arena on mobile has been delayed until 2021, Magic has a bang-up quarter and props up Hasbro with its huge sales amid the pandemic, Commander Legends previews officially begin, and Red Bull Untapped holds a dual-format qualifier.

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October 19th, 2020

On this episode, news about: Another Arena Open is just around the corner and some serious money is ready to be won, Kaladesh Remastered hits Arena this November, Wizards of the Coast gets ready to raise money for charity in their Extra Life event (with lots of cool gifts for donating), MPL and Rivals League Weekend play begins this weekend, the VML begins playoffs and the SCG tabletop tour goes on an indefinite hiatus.

The Upkeep is brought to you by the good people of Good Luck High Five. Please rate & review our podcast! It helps people find us!

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October 12th, 2020

On this episode, news about: another day, another banned and restricted announcement! Find out what’s getting banned in what formats and why. PLUS: The 2020 Season Grand Finals crowns a champion, ways to play Vintage and Legacy for only $25, and a special code for cool card styles on Arena!

The Upkeep is brought to you by the good people of Good Luck High Five. Please rate & review our podcast! It helps people find us!

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October 5th, 2020

On this episode, news about: The Walking Dead Secret Lair controversy just won’t die (much like a zombie) (see what we did there), Commander Legends release date gets pushed back, The 2020 Season Grand Finals hits Twitch this weekend for a huge season-end tournament, Omnath is still dominant after a weekend CFB Clash event, and how possible is a high-level Limited tournament in our future? Find out!

The Upkeep is brought to you by the good people of Good Luck High Five. Please rate & review our podcast! It helps people find us!

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