June 1st, 2020

On this episode, news about: A big banned & restricted announcement makes waves in Standard and Historic, a mysterious dog shows up on Wizards of the Coast’s Twitter account, Head Designer Mark Rosewater teases some strange things coming with the release of M21, CommandFest will hit the airwaves this weekend and ways to help promote racial justice and support the Black Lives Matter movement!

The Upkeep is brought to you by the good people of Good Luck High Five. Please rate & review our podcast! It helps people find us!

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**Please note, our new office building burned during the recent civil unrest in Minneapolis and suffered severe flood damage. We don’t know if or when we’ll be able to be back in that building. We still plan to find a new home somewhere (hopefully soon) and will honor all donations to our Gods of Theros Wall Fund. Your names will be up on whatever wall we end up having! Thank you for your tremendous support, we love you all.**

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Please help promote racial justice by donating to these amazing organizations:

Migizi Radio (MPLS Indigenous People’s Radio Station, destroyed in the fires)

Lake Street Clean Up (The area of town hardest hit by the fires, many minority-owned businesses were lost)

Reclaim the Block (Organizes policies that strengthen community-led safety initiatives and reduce reliance on police departments)

Campaign Zero (Org that uses research-based policy solutions to end police brutality)

Black Vision Collective (Queer-led org committed to dismantling systems of oppression and violence)

Northside Funders Group (Raising money to repair fire damage in North Minneapolis, also home to many minority-owned businesses)